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Monks Chanting in Katholikon of Xenophontos
Monks Chanting in Catholicon of Xenophontos
, digital print, 2008
← Serenity at Chilandari
Preparing the Easter Sepulchre at Xenophontos →
Monks Chanting in Katholikon of Xenophontos
Holy Mountain: Icons from Mount Athos and Photographs by Frank Horlbeck
Monks and Rituals of Daily Life
Sacred Landscape and Monastic Enclosure
Architecture and Sacred Space
Stavronikita with Mount Athos in the Distance
Athos Summit
Fortified Enclosure and Farmland: Lavra from the Pyrga
Lavra, exterior of the Catholicon
Pantocrator looks down from Heaven, Lavra Catholicon
Model of Monastic Life: Fresco of Saint Antony the Hermit by Theophanes of Crete, Lavra, Katholikon
A Marble Sea: Nave Floor of the Catholicon, Lavra
Karakalou: Top of Pyrgos [tower]
Sacred Meal in the Trapeza, Lavra
Old Kitchens, Lavra
Sacred Interlace: Carved Transem Slab in Phiale, Lavra
Monastery of Chilandari from the Southwest
Two Trees and a Basin, Chilandari
Monastic Landscape: Docheiariou from the South
Linking Two Worlds: The Arsanos at Docheiariou
Narthex of the Catholicon at Docheiariou
Ringing the Bells at Vatopedi on Feast of the Holy Trinity
Trapeza, Vatopedi
Light illuminates Interior of Catholicon at Vatopedi
Last Judgement Fresco in the Vatopedi Outer Narthex
Reciting the Office at Xenophontos
Simonos Petra from the Northwest
Dionysiou from the West
Dionysiou, Entrance
Frescoes of Apocalypse in Vestibule of the Trapeza, Dionysiou
Monk with Mule at Dionysiou
Interior of Katholikon at Prodromos
Cell at Dionysiou
Domes of Katholikon at Dionysiou
Laundry at Dionysiou
Waiting for Resurrection: Skulls in the Charnel House at Prodromos
Wooden gallery, Karakalou
Fire in the Monastery of Karakalou
Serenity at Chilandari
Monks Chanting in Katholikon of Xenophontos
Preparing the Easter Sepulchre at Xenophontos
Procession of the Epitaphios to the Easter Sepulchre, Xenophontos
Procession of Monks carrying Vegetables to the Kitchen of Xenophontos
Procession of Icons to Old Catholicon of Xenophontos on Feast of Orthodoxy
Monk Reading during the meal in the Trapeza (Refectory), Xenophontos
Monks removing fish from nets, Xenophontos
Serving the morning meal in the Refectory, Xenophontos
Morning light at Pentcost, Pantokrator Monastery
A Screen of Holy Images: Iconostasis at Pantokrator
Monk beating Talanton (Semantron), Xenophontos
Sunset over the Dome of the Catholicon, Docheiariou
Fresco of Crucified Monk in Narthex of Prodromos
Lighting the Candles of the Corona for the Vigil of Pentecost, Pantokrator
Dance of Light: Corona in Motion at Pentecost Vigil, Pantokrator
Brother Kasianos of Pantokrator, Painted Crucifix
Sister Pansemni of Akritohori Convent, Icon of John the Baptist
Sister Archagali of Akritohori Convent, Pantokrator
Father Loukas of Xenophontos, Deësis (Mary, Christ, and John the Baptist)
Brother Kassianos of Pantokrator, Virgin Orant
Father Loukas of Xenophontos, Icon of the Transfiguration of Christ
Father Tryphon, Mother of God Hagia Gerontissa
Brother Kassianos of Pantokrator, Constantine and Helena
Father David of Xenophontos, Saints Zosimos and Mary of Egypt
Father Loukas of Xenophontos, Anastasis (Resurrection)
Brother Philemon of the Skete of Profet Elias: Christ Anaepson (Reclining Christ of the “Sleeping Eye”)
Brother Kassianos of Pantokrator: The Prophet Elijah Fed by the Raven
Double-sided Crucifix with Crucifixion and Baptism of Christ
Brother Gabriel of Philetheou, Crucifix with Cherubim and Seraphim
Icons (Case 1)
Icons (Case 2)